My Third Doctor

I figured out that I had had HEP C for around twenty years. I did feel tired but that was all. As long as I wasn't taking Interferon, I was doing O.K. I really liked my new job and hit the ground running. I had been seeing Dr. Yates for over a year and he was monitoring me very closely. My MELD score was staying steady at 9-11. Not bad considering it had been about four years since I had been to UAB. One day I had a voice message saying it was important I see Dr. Yates as soon as I could. I think it was the next day I saw Dr. Yates and he informed me that my MELD score had shot up to 18 so he wanted to do a new liver biopsy to see what was going on. I was getting good at the liver biopsy's, after all this would be my third one. The procedure was improved to reduce the discomfort by sedating you with the twilight drug. You're awake, you feel the pain, but then you forget the pain. Wonderful stuff. However this time was different, instead of taking one plug they took four.

The results were my hepatitis had turned into cirrhosis. After a few weeks my MELD score dropped back down to 9. I didn't really understand the seriousness of it at the time. Dr. Yates said he spoke to Dr. Patel (a hepatologist) about me and Dr. Patel would be seeing me for now on.

I liked Dr. Yates - he is a really good doctor.

Here is his Link.