The Moment of Truth

After I got through registration things moved quickly. I was put in a room and asked to put on a gown and then they put in the IV. After about an hour I was moved to pre-op (pre-operations) when they started prepping me for surgery. One by one my family started arriving. They would only let a few in at a time. After an emotional two hours the nurse came in and asked everyone to leave because they would be taking me to surgery shortly. It was deathly quite except for all the bells and buzzers from the equipment. Then the nurse came in and said that the doctor was scrubbing up and I would be on my way in about twenty minuets. She asked how I was doing and I told her I was nerves. She said the surgeon was one of the best in the country and I couldn't be in better hands. She said I'm going to give you some medicine to relax you and then we will be ready. The nurse said the operating room is about ten minutes away and I would be very relaxed when I got there. She stopped at the operating room door and informed me when you go in the operation room there would be twelve people in the room and lots of equipment. She pushed a button on the wall and announced Mr. Jones is ready. When I was rolled into the operating room I remember thinking what a high-tech surgery room. All I remember is being moved to the operation table and then someone said Mr. Jones the Doctors are ready. Do you have any questions? I said not really. A nurse said when you wake up you will be in post-op (post operation) and then when you will be moved to SICU (surgical intensive care unit). She said I would have a lot of equipment hooked up to me and my hands would be restrained so you want try to pull out any of the tubes. Then the surgeon came in and said Mr. Jones if you are ready he was ready to began. I nodded yes and then I saw them giving me some medicine in my IV and that was the last I remember.