Are You OK?

As I was dressing for work one day and I noticed my cloths were looser then usual. That was OK with me because I needed to drop a couple of pounds. I was feeling great and my mind was sharp. When I got to work I noticed that a few people said I looked tired. I didn't think much about it because I had been putting in lots of hours. That day I was walking to my boss's office and I had the strangest sensation. I felt like I was getting smaller and things were spinning around but it quickly went away. I just got something to eat and then I felt fine. It still seemed like lots of people were asking me if I was OK. Later, I was on the elevator going to a meeting and that same sensation came over me, but it lasted longer then the one before. After the meeting I sat down in a lobby chair and started feeling the energy just leave my body. I put my head down in my arms and went to sleep or something because the next thing I remember is a person saying are you OK. I said, I was a diabetic and just needed to get something to eat. She said you don't look very good. I assured her I was fine and when I stood up I immediately had to sit back down. The next thing I knew I was being taken to the emergency room by a few of my co-workers.

My blood pressure was very high and I developed some pain on my left side. My temperature shot up and they took a quick X-ray of my chest. It was pneumonia and I stayed in the hospital for three days before being released. I didn't think much about it; I just let myself ware down. Every since then people at work started treating me differently. They knew I was "a very sick man". Funny, I didn't feel sick, I just needed some rest.