The Meeting I'll Never Forget

O.K., I admit, I was a little nervous when Dr. Patel met with me, my wife, and my boss which I invited to the meeting. I was surprised because he seemed so young. I had sent him a list of questions that I wanted to talk about and I was impressed he actually was prepared to review them. He thumped my liver, looked into my eyes, and listened to my heart. He told me I was a sick man and things are going to start getting difficult for me. I asked how bad is it going to get, and his response was, "if he had a choice of having a heart attack, a stroke, or cirrhosis he would pick the heart attack first and the stroke second". That got my attention, and I could see the concern in my wife's face. The next thing I asked was how long would it be before I started experiencing symptoms? He said everyone was different and he hesitated to make any prediction because it would all be speculation. He told me that there was a treatment I haven't tried called Infergen taken with Riboflavin. He said it was my decision and he understood if I decided not to take it considering all of the other treatments I had already gone through with no long term results.

After thinking about it, I decided to try it again but after three months of treatment it was the same old story, my performance at worked suffered, I was really sick, and I felt so bad at times I just wish I would die. But just when I was ready to give up my fighting spirit would always kick in. After a few months Dr. Patel discontinued the treatments because it was just too much for my body. I was elated when he said no more treatments. That was the last of the treatments as of this posting. I didn't realize that was actually bad news because every treatment that could be done had been done. I was running out of time and didn't even know it.

Link to Doctor Patel - he was instrumental in saving my life.