The C Words

It was several months after my last treatment before I saw my new doctor. He reviewed my medical records and asked how I was doing. I reported that the treatments took a lot out of me and my drive was not as strong as it use to be. He spent time with me explaining what was in store for me. This is when I found out about the C words. The C words meant two things, cancer and cirrhosis. Either one of these can kill you. I had a high chance of developing one or both. He said my chances were at least 100 times more likely to develop cirrhosis or cancer of the liver than the average person. He also told me about the stages of hepatitis C and cirrhosis. I asked him if he thought I was going to die. He said if the treatments don't work or I didn't get a liver transplant I would die but it would be several years before there would be any problems. That was the second time I heard I had several years before I had problems. He ordered more tests and found out I had a blood type of Genotype 1A which was one reason why the treatments were not working as well for me. For the next couple of years all that was done was to keep an eye on the health of my liver. During this time I regained my strength and felt like the virus had gone.

Wrong again.

Check these sites out

HEP C and Liver Cancer
