The Dragon

I was excited, I was up early, my motor cycle was running great, and a few of us were off to Deil's Gap North Caroline, home of the famous "Tale of the Dragon". Bikers come from all over the world to ride the dragon and to think it's practically in my back yard. We met for breakfast at 8:00 then off we went. We had a great time and got home around 6:30 that evening. I noticed that my leg was stiff and sore but that wasn't uncommon after a full day on a motor cycle. I cleaned my bike and my wife had a great supper for me. Her chile tasted really good and it was satisfying to have a full stomach. After I ate she noticed I was limping and we were surprised to see my whole leg was swollen. We called Dr. Patel's nurse in the morning and told her about my leg and she said come to the office first thing that morning. Dr. Patel sent me to get a Doppler Ultra Sound and they found a DVT (deep vain thromboses) a blood clot. Well, I received my go directly to the hospital pass which was covenant since the Galen Group practice was on the hospital campus. I felt I could walk fine but I had to be pushed in the wheel chair all the way to my hospital room. What was the big deal anyway?

Well it turned out the big deal was if the clot broke loose it was very likely I could have serious problems or die. That night in the hospital I started to feel really bad and my stomach was really hurting me. My eyes went in the back of my head and all the people were saying things like Mr. Jones are you with us? I could hear them but I couldn't respond. Then someone hit me HARD on my chest and I came to but was sick as a dog. The next morning Dr. Patel came by and told me what happen. My blood pressure dropped so low my body had to redirect the blood flow to vital organs thus depriving some other organs of blood . He was joking around like it wasn't a big deal but I could tell he was concerned about something.

I had to park the bike for several months.

Link to details on a DVT