Things are Going to be Different

As I sat on the side of my bed getting ready to take my first shot of my third treatment I was thinking I had been into this thing for six years or so. I had about ten years to kick this virus. This time I'm in control, and I wasn't going to let this get virus get the better of me. My fighting gloves came off and I was ready to kick ass. It was going to be simple. All I had to do was exercise, drink lots of water, and stay away from salty foods. I told my boss that I was going to take another treatment and he was very supportive... for about four months. I thought I was doing great, but little did I know, the management team had other thoughts. One day my boss invited me to lunch and to my surprise the whole management staff was there. Then judging by the concerned looks on their face's, I realized I had been suckered into an intervention. They said they were all worried about me and I wasn't the person I was a year ago. The examples seemed to go on forever. With each example I lost more of my self-esteem. They said I looked like walking death, I was lethargic, I never smiled anymore, and I was extremely stressed. They suggested I get some help. When they finished, I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I let them down.

So I went to the doctor and informed him of what had happen and he prescribes Valium to calm my nerves. Big mistake - I never abused the Valium, but it did me. It pushed me over the edge. I lost all control. One day my wife had several calls from different people saying that they were very concerned about me because I was acting strange and very defensive. She confiscated the Valium and called my best friend for reinforcements then they called the doctor. It was bad, and eventually I was let go from my job of over ten years of service. But dammed the torpedoes, I was going to complete the treatments, and I did. Well things were different alright.... I had lost my job, I was sick as I could be, and I had been out of work for nine months. It was time to take action.

I must admit I was befuddled with what was going on? I couldn't understand, if I was that sick shouldn't there be pain or something?

Here are the symptoms of HEP C.