My Last Day at Work

When I woke up I was struggling to dress myself but made a bad decision to go to work. For some reason I was really mad at something but I couldn't figure out why I was mad. My wife suspected that my ammonia levels where high because I couldn't stay awake in the car. I had to have lab work that morning and I couldn't find Dr. Patel's office. I got lost in the hospital which was strange because I knew the hospital like the back of my hand. I finally found Dr. Patel's office and the lady that does my labs took one look at me and knew I was not OK. Dr. Patel's nurse is an expert of knowing when I am confused and she is so discreet about it. She instructed to draw blood to do another ammonia test then called my wife who works at hospital. I barely made it to my office. When my staff saw me you could of heard a pin drop, they where stunned! I announced I wasn't feeling good that morning. I went into my office and then after about a half hour it happened. The transition from being somewhat coherent to being non-coherent is a strange transition. I remember talking to people that weren't there, I was having these moments of what I thought was clarity. I remember most of all how brilliant the colors looked. I was hallucinating. I remember how mad I was when some people brought me out of it. It was like the only peace I had in several years. I was somewhat back to the living and there was this lady at my office door saying, Clayton, we need to go home now. I knew I knew her but didn't realize she was my wife. I wasn't going to go anywhere and got fighting mad. I stumbled out of my office and I was going to protest to my boss about how all these strange people were trying to tell me what to do. I couldn't find my bosses office. The next thing I remember is waking up in my bed. I was so hoping it was a dream but I could tell by the look on my wife's face something bad happened. She said that it was time to go on disability, and I agreed without an argument. I knew it was over. My ammonia level was 160. It took a month to recover.