The Three Hour Tour

I had been at my new job for about three years while seeing Dr. Patel once a month. Things were settling out and outside of an occasional trip to the emergency room to deal with a sharp pain in my side, things were good. I decided it was time for me to have some fun so I did what any guy would do - I bought a motorcycle. It was great, I felt free, it made me forget that I was sick and I even made some motorcycle buddies. I rode it every chance I could get, I loved the long trips.

One day I was with my good friend and we were just going to take a three hour tour. Half way into the trip I started to feel a little strange but I just thought I needed something to eat because my blood sugar was probably low. I was going around a small easy curve and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. I didn't know what had happened because there were no other cars around, no gravel, and no oily road; just me and my buddy. He was in front but he saw me go down in his mirror and came back to help me out. He said, "What the hell happened"! I really didn't know, all I knew was I must of lost concentration. We managed to get my safety jacket off and my buddy's face said it all. We need to get you to the! I looked at my shoulder and it was the size of a softball. So I hopped on the back of his bike and he took me to the hospital. I had shattered my shoulder.

I still couldn't figure out what happen, little did I know it was related to my cirrhosis, it would be a couple of more years before I knew about the mysterious fall. It took three surgeries to fix my shoulder. After awhile I started riding again.

Jim - My motor cycle buddy blog