Waking Up is Hard To Do

As I opened my eyes I heard Mr. Jones are you with us? The nurse said you are in post-op and the transplant went very well. I couldn't talk and all I wanted to do is go back to sleep. They kept on talking to me asking me to move my fingers and toes, lift my arms and move my legs, and blink once for yes and twice for no. After they were happy with everything they moved me to SICU. When I got there more questions were asked. I wanted to talk but couldn't speak. Then they told me I had a tube in my neck to give me medicines, a respirator in my throat, a nasogastric tube in my nose, three draining tubes coming from my abdomen, a tube that was sticking in my liver, and a catheter. I felt like a voodoo doll. They said in the next few days they would start removing them. Then my wife came in and said I made it and I was starting to pink up already; all I could do was squeeze her hand. My parents came in and my Mom was smiling and my Dad had a tear in his eye. All I could think about was how hungry I was and wanted a big steak. I was trying to speak to ask for something to eat but just couldn't get it out. Then the next thing I remember is the pain started. I managed to peek at my stomach and then wish I hadn't. Next my Daughter and Son came in to visit and my daughter started crying while my son was consoling her. After their visit the nurse said just three more visitors and that would be all. I think it was my brother and parents in law.

The nurse told me what was going to happen the next day and told me I needed to get some rest. She said she would be watching me on her monitor at the nurses station. She said she would give me enough pain medicine to help me sleep all night. She pushed a button and I was gone.

The next morning I felt great except for the pain. The surgeon was there and said I looked like a different person already. I whispered how bad was my liver and he said I didn't have much time left and that my portal vain was completely blocked. He said I was a lucky man. I stayed at UAB for a whole month with my wife and mom and left home like I was twenty years younger. On the way home I went back to visit my friends at work and the expressions on everyone said it all. Some of the new employees didn't even recognize me. After I left that visit, I was overcome by emotion and thanked God for my new lease on life. It's been six months since the transplant and I feel alive and getting stronger every day. I was really a sick man and I'm grateful to be back to my old self. I guess God wasn't ready for me yet. ;-)